
Associated Trademark

Associated Trademark

Copyright is an exclusive right granted to the creator of creative work. The Copyright is granted in case of literary, artistic, musical work, sound recording and cinematographic films. Copyright is infringed when someone uses the copyrighted work without the consent...

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Trademark Licensing

Trademark Licensing

Licensing of Trademarks A Trademark licensing is a practice by which a Trademark owner (the “licensor”) permits a third party (“the “licensee”) to use its Trademark and the third party uses that mark in connection with specific products or services.  Though the...

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Trademark Examination

Trademark Examination

Trademark Examination As per the Trademark registration process, after filing the application for the trademark with the Trademark office, the trademark application gets examined by the examiner. The examination of the trademark application is conducted within the...

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Trademark Classification

Trademark Classification

Trademark Classification is the classification of goods and services into different classes. The person/organization has to register the mark in one of the classes in which that person/organization's goods or services fall.  Section 13 of the Trademarks Act, 1999,...

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Trademark Infringement

Trademark Infringement

Trademark Infringement Trademark infringement is defined under section 29 of the Trademarks Act, 1999. As per this section, infringement of a trademark is basically unauthorized usage of the mark which is similar or identical to the mark which has been already...

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Trademark Filing and Fee

Trademark Filing and Fee

Trademark Filing and Fee Trademark Filing As per Indian Trademark law, an exclusive legal right for use of the mark is given to the owner of the Trademark. Under the trademark law there are many types of trademarks that a person can apply for. The documents required...

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Trademark Applications

Trademark Applications

Trademark Applications Trademark, basically, is a phrase, word or symbol owned by a person or a company to represent the goods or services that are offered by him. Though There are many kinds of trademark such as word mark, collective mark, sound mark, they all are...

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Collective Trademark

Collective Trademark

Collective Trademark Collective mark is defined under section 2(1)(g) of the Trademarks Act, 1999 as a trademark distinguishing the goods and services of members of an association of persons from those of others. This association must not be a partnership. Examples of...

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Trademark Opposition

Trademark Opposition

Trademark Opposition During the process of Registration of Trademark there are two occasions where the provision for refusal of registration of Trademark can be refused. The first is objection and the second is opposition. Objection is raised by the examiner against...

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