Trademark Filing and Registration

Trademark Filing & Registration 

In India, Registration of Trademark imposes several benefits on the owner of the Trademark. These benefits are:  

  • It helps the owner of the trademark to establish his/her prima facie case before court in case of infringement. 
  • It entitles the owner of a trademark for the benefits under the Trademarks Act, 1999 
  • It prevents third parties to register similar/identical marks  
  • It may be helpful in various IP transactions e.g. assignment, licensing, etc. 
  • It provides benefits in case an individual is willing to register his/her trademark outside India.  

However, filing and maintaining an application for trademark is a complex and time consuming procedure. It can take a year for a mark to get registered as a trademark.  

After filing an application for registration, the application is examined by the trademark registrar which takes about 2-4 months. If the application is not filed properly, after examining the application, the registrar can raise objections for the registration of the mark. The registrar can also impose some conditions or limitations on the use of mark applied.  

Also if the objections raised by the registrar are not handled timely and properly it can result in abandonment or rejection of the application. 

We at Delhi IP have trademark attorneys with extensive experience who assists our clients in filing trademark applications which have high chances of getting registered without any hurdles. Further, in case of objection, we assists our clients in effectively handling objection from the trademark registrar by preparing appropriate replies which eases the process of trademark registration. 

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