Patent Watch

Patent Watch 

It is very necessary to keep track of infringement of your patent rights to get the best out of patents. There are many people who tries to get around your patent and copy your invention and who tries to use your invention without your permission. In these cases, all the money time and energy that you invested in inventing something can go in vain as people will start getting profits from your hard work. Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant about possible infringements of your patents. 

However it is very difficult and time consuming for people to keep track of if someone is infringing their patent or not and to keep track of if someone is filing the patent application for the invention similar to their patented invention. This is especially difficult for the business organization who already have a lot of things to focus on.  

We at Delhi IP are dedicated towards protecting the patent rights of our clients. Patent watch is a process through which we keep track of all the patent of our clients and look out for any person who tries to infringe the patent of our client. 

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