There are three prerequisites for getting a patent namely: (i) novelty, (ii) inventive-step (non-obviousness) and (iii) industrial application (utility). The first and foremost prerequisite is novelty and then comes inventive-step (non-obviousness). Establishing...
Utility Consideration in Design Infringement: “PEE BUDDY” Vs “NAMYAA”
Industrial Designs are regulated by The Design Act, 2000 and The Design Rules, 2001 (as amended and modified). Design Registration confers the registered proprietor right to exclude others from commercially exploiting the registered design by applying over...
Associated Trademark
Copyright is an exclusive right granted to the creator of creative work. The Copyright is granted in case of literary, artistic, musical work, sound recording and cinematographic films. Copyright is infringed when someone uses the copyrighted work without the consent...
Copyright Infringement Litigation
Copyright is an exclusive right granted to the creator of creative work. The Copyright is granted in case of literary, artistic, musical work, sound recording and cinematographic films. Copyright is infringed when someone uses the copyrighted work without the consent...
Patent Infringement Litigation in India
A patent is an exclusive right given by the government to the owner of the invention or innovation. Basically, a Patent is issued to a person who has either- Invented some new product or some new process of doing something Made innovations in an existing product or...