Welcome to Delhi IP
Delhi Intellectual Property LLP (“Delhi IP”) is a full-service Intellectual Property (IP) law firm having its office in Delhi.
We provide comprehensive services pertaining to Patents, Designs, Trademarks, Copyrights, Commercialization, Technology Transfer, IP Enforcement and Litigation/Dispute Resolution.
Our People
Naveen Chaklan
Managing Partner
Patent Attorney
Sharad Kumar Sharma
IP Attorney
Ram Kumar Gupta
Patents & Designs
Client’s Testimonials
Freedom To Operate
Freedom to Operate A Freedom to Operate (FTO) is a type of Patent Search which is carried out to ascertain whether a product, process or service is violating or infringing on any existing patents....
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Trademark Filing and Fee
Trademark Filing and Fee Trademark Filing As per Indian Trademark law, an exclusive legal right for use of the mark is given to the owner of the Trademark. Under the trademark law there are many...