An Enriched Experience

Long Evolved Strategy

Diversified Team Members

Simplifying Complexity

Welcome to Delhi IP

Delhi Intellectual Property LLP (“Delhi IP”) is a full-service Intellectual Property (IP) law firm having its office in Delhi. 

We provide comprehensive services pertaining to Patents, Designs, Trademarks, Copyrights, Commercialization, Technology Transfer, IP Enforcement and Litigation/Dispute Resolution.


Technology Transfer
IP Enforcement

Our People

Naveen Chaklan

Naveen Chaklan

Managing Partner

Patent Attorney

Sharad Kumar Sharma

Sharad Kumar Sharma


IP Attorney

Ram Kumar Gupta

Ram Kumar Gupta


Patents & Designs

Client’s Testimonials


This is a team of highly skilled, experienced and professional people. We have been getting IP related services for many years. Overall we had an amazing experience working with this firm. I would highly recommend this firm if any one wish to have IP related work done.

– Principal Scientist, Drug Discovery, IN

Delhi IP is a professional firm providing personalized services with best advices and at very economical expenses. The founder of the firm, Mr Naveen Chaklan is a sincere, experienced and trustworthy professional with friendly attitude. I strongly recommend this firm.

– Head, Medicinal Chemistry, DE

They having such a great knowledge about intellectual properties /services & thier laws Naveen Sir having good sense to explain such criticial laws/conditions. Good behaviour of all team members,Co-opreative, Geniune fees, good advisor.

– Director, Workflow Management, IN

The place where I got correct advice and accordingly I engaged Mr Navin Chaklan for the entire work for my case . Which was very good and it was above the standard of industrial practices. Highly knowledable and skilled team of professionals on techno commercial matters.

– Advocate, IN

Very quick to reply and research my project, giving clear and precise advice. Such a high level of service and communication is rare! Looking forward to working with Delhi IP and moving my project forward. Thank you.

– Partner, Toys & Kids Learning Products, IN

Mr. Navin has highly skilled on patent writting. I have good experience on some legal doc preparetion. All the best for hima and his team as well...

– Sr. Manager, R&D, Poly Films, IN

Very knowledgeable person, he is capable and dedicated person for his work. One must give first preference for IP related work to him and his firm.

– Ass. Director, Marketing & Sales, IN

Very knowledgeable and clear guidance. Excellent support.

– Professor, IIT, Jodhpur


Invalidation and Validation Patent Search

Invalidation and Validation Patent Search

Invalidation & Validation Patent Search Patent “invalidity” / “validity” searches are conducted to either validate the claims made by the applicant in a patent application or to invalidate one...

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Trademark Classification

Trademark Classification

Trademark Classification is the classification of goods and services into different classes. The person/organization has to register the mark in one of the classes in which that...

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