Welcome to Delhi IP
Delhi Intellectual Property LLP (“Delhi IP”) is a full-service Intellectual Property (IP) law firm having its office in Delhi.
We provide comprehensive services pertaining to Patents, Designs, Trademarks, Copyrights, Commercialization, Technology Transfer, IP Enforcement and Litigation/Dispute Resolution.
Our People
Naveen Chaklan
Managing Partner
Patent Attorney
Sharad Kumar Sharma
IP Attorney
Ram Kumar Gupta
Patents & Designs
Client’s Testimonials
Invalidation and Validation Patent Search
Invalidation & Validation Patent Search Patent “invalidity” / “validity” searches are conducted to either validate the claims made by the applicant in a patent application or to invalidate one...
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Trademark Classification
Trademark Classification is the classification of goods and services into different classes. The person/organization has to register the mark in one of the classes in which that...